05-02-2022, 09:52 PM
(05-02-2022, 09:19 PM)jsladovic Wrote: Hi,
Apologies if this is something people have previously asked for, I have only recently gotten into working with Obi and am yet to grasp all of it's features. I tried googling for a result and searching the forums here, but to no success.
I have a rope connected to a fixed object on one side and a moveable object (let's call it a ball for the sake of simplicity) on the other. When I manually move the ball through the scene view, the rope doesn't stretch. But when my player picks up the object, I create a fixed joint component on the ball which is connected to the player Rigidbody. Then I move the player around and the ball moves alongside him and the rope stretches. When I stop moving the player, the rope slowly starts dragging the ball (and the player) back into position. Is there a way to prevent the rope from stretching in the first place?
For what it's worth, my Distance iterations have been set to 20, my Substeps in the Fixed Updater have been set to 4. The Obi Rigidbody component doesn't have the Kinematic For Particles field set and the ball Rigidbody is not set as Kinematic. I'd gladly post whatever else you need.
Hi there!
You mention your player is a rigidbody. How are you moving him around in response to user input?