(13-01-2022, 09:04 AM)josemendez Wrote: I aimed at a very easy to bend, zero-stretch rope with high contact friction and a light object attached to its end. As you can see the simulation is very snappy, extremely robust under violent motion, zero jittering, no gaps, comes at a perfect rest very easily. Runs at > 600 fps (1.5 ms/frame) in a Core i7.
I'm not 100% sure the behavior of the rope is what you were originally after, maybe it could be a bit more rigid (the kind of cord in the image you posted above tends to be quite rigid and has some plasticity to it). Also the scale of the scene is quite large: that clip is definitely not as small as a real-world clip, but based on the grid seen in your original video I think it's pretty close to yours.
Well.. This definitely much better comparing what I made, but also with some weird things. The rope stops pretty often in such poses but the funniest is how it deforms like a wave when you drag it. I found that adding much more mass to paperclip (1kg instead of 0.1f) the result is much better. As I understood there are no ideal option to cover all the scenarios so need to negotiate between them. Will check how it works on mobile with AR enabled, I hope it will not overload the CPU.
Thanks for the package. Btw, it would be veeeery helpful if you add more sample scenes with a different materials simulation. For example, in your package you attached I see that you activated all the constraints (except chain) in ObiSolver component, while your Rope package sample scenes have just couple of them enabled with a different params. I believe not all of these constraints are required - I didn't test much but disabling some of them didn't affect to the rope behaviour at all.
Well, seems I found one of the main problems here - in your package the size of objects are not realistic, it's about x50 time bigger then real world size. In my case the rope is ~12cm, paper clip ~3cm, pencil ~15cm. I created rope blueprint according to the real size, so this means the distance between start and end points (attachment points) was ~12cm. Using Particle renderer I see that there are only 2 particles in the real world size rope using the parameters from your scene.
The only way to add more particles is decreasing blueprint thickness and set decimation to 0 but after reaching same particles count for the same distance, I see that the rope behaviour become pretty different.
Another approach I found to fit your last example to my real world size scene is to scale down the ObiSolver transform to 0.02. The only issue in that case that paperclip doesn't rotates, only when collides with a surface.
Please clarify - why these 2 approaches doesn't behave similar way? Does it mean that rope itself had to be bigger initially?