10-01-2022, 02:43 PM
(10-01-2022, 11:48 AM)josemendez Wrote: Allowing your user to set an arbitrary fixed delta time is a recipe for terrible performance, but assuming you're not concerned by this: You could use the smallest value that works with the smallest delta time you allow.
Or instead of using a very small threshold (which may not be enough for very small timesteps), you can calculate the value you need for a given timestep.
Kinetic energy is defined as 1/2 * sqr(velocity) * mass. In Obi, the threshold is mass-normalized, so not multiplied by mass.
Velocity is defined as change in position over time. In Unity, this "time" is the timestep (aka fixed delta time) value. So:
Code:velocity = (position at the end of the timestep - position at the start of the timestep) / timestep.
Hence, kinetic energy is:
Code:1/2 * sqr((end position - start position) / timestep).
This is the value compared to your sleep threshold to determine if a particle can move or not.
To make the threshold independent of timestep, you can do:
Code:timestepIndependentThreshold = sqrt(threshold * 2) * timestep;
And then feed this value to Obi instead of a fixed threshold.
Thank you for taking the time to explain.
If I may ask one last question, I don't understand the last equation of your post. Is "threshold" in the equation the member sleepThreshold of obi solver ?