06-01-2022, 09:51 AM
(02-01-2022, 02:41 PM)josemendez Wrote: Yes, that’s possible. As I mentioned simulation and mesh skinning/binding are decoupled, that means you can skin the same mesh to multiple softbodies(*), or skin multiple meshes to a single softbody.This should work great for me. I purchased 3 of the assets. Thank you.
(*)Note however that this only works for non-overlapping regions of the mesh. If the same region of a mesh is skinned to multiple softbodies, only the latest softbody will be used. This means you can’t have multiple “skins” to multiple softbodies, which I can imagine would be useful for LOD systems where you have multiple versions of the same softbody and switch between them. This is what you describe in your last paragraph, I believe.
If you’re gonna apply morphs to the mesh as a kind of “preprocess”, you can then either re-generate the blueprint from the morphed mesh and re-skin it (easy, bruteforce approach) or set particle positions to match the morphed mesh and re-calculate rest shape matching.