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Help  Consistency in emitting fluid
Thank you for replying Josemendez!

Sorry I didn't realise the video wasn't attached.
You can see the video by clicking this link.

It's much better after editing the blueprint itself now.
The particles look more like liquid but they're still splashing too much. They're not flowing along the surface of each dome but instead flying outwards.
If I decrease the buoyancy the fluid won't flow along the surfaces.

Here is the setting of the blueprint:
Capacity: 1500
Resolution: 1
Rest Density: 1000
Smoothing: 2
Viscosity: 0.15
Surface Tension: 1
Buoyancy: -20
Atmospheric Drag: 0
Atmospheric Pressure: 20
Diffusion: 0

Setting of the Obi Emitter:
Collision material: HighFriction (Obi Collision Material)
Phase: 1
Emission method: STREAM
Min pool size: 0.115
Speed: 0.5
Lifespan: 5
Random velocity: 0
Use shape color V

Obi Solver:
Backend: Burst
Mode: Mode 3D
Interpolation: None
Gravity: X0 Y-6 Z0
Damping: 0
Shock Propagation: 0
Max Anisotropy: 3
Max Depenetration: 5
Sleep Treshold: 0

World Linear Inertia Scale: 0
World Angular Inertia Scale: 0
Simulate When Invisible V

And nothing is changed in the Constraints.

Is there any changes I can make to turn it into something like thick liquified chocolate?

Messages In This Thread
Consistency in emitting fluid - by inabird52 - 25-11-2021, 06:47 AM
RE: Consistency in emitting fluid - by josemendez - 25-11-2021, 08:33 AM
RE: Consistency in emitting fluid - by inabird52 - 11-12-2021, 05:47 AM
RE: Consistency in emitting fluid - by josemendez - 13-12-2021, 08:51 AM