(22-11-2021, 01:20 PM)josemendez Wrote: From the screenshots it just looks like the cloth has zero max bending. Did you adjust bend constraints?
Finally made it bend, but the result looks like a plastic plane (video), not a bank note. Playing with the parameters didn't get result similar to paper. Any advice here?
Quote:Just use surface collisions and queries. This allows you to query any point on the surface of the note, regardless of the amount of vertices in the mesh (see the ClothRaycast sample scene, for instance)
Ok, so I got this point on the bank note surface, but this point is pretty far (screenshot) from the actual particle positions. How can I apply the movement to the bank note? Checking ObiParticleDragger I see that it apply force to the single particle, but it's not always will be correct. Is there an east way to find the opposite particle and add force to both of them?