22-11-2021, 03:32 PM
(22-11-2021, 02:39 PM)josemendez Wrote: I'm unable to reproduce this.
Used the RopeShowcase sample scene as a basis, made all 3 objects at the front into triggers and nested them. All 3 are detected and change colors properly:
This is the code being used, which is very similar to yours. Note I do check for contact distance and discard speculative contacts, yours doesn't (not sure if this is intentional). Also instead of filtering by tag, I just placed a component on the objects and call a method on it:
Code:Oni.Contact[] contacts = e.contacts.Data;
for(int i = 0; i < e.contacts.Count; ++i)
Oni.Contact c = contacts[i];
// make sure this is an actual contact:
if (c.distance < 0.01f)
// get the collider:
var col = colliderWorld.colliderHandles[c.bodyB].owner;
if (col != null)
// make it blink:
Blinker blinker = col.GetComponent<Blinker>();
if (blinker)
Without more info I don't think I can help you further. The code is really simple so it should work. Are there other components/scripts in your scene which might be interferring?
Ok, I found problem. It is in my code.