10-11-2021, 05:30 PM
(10-11-2021, 10:06 AM)josemendez Wrote: Depends on what you need to do. If you want to attach softbodies at a fixed distance from each other, use distance constraints.
If you want to attach them tightly together (overlapping particles), use stitch constraints. In this case, there's an editor tool which you can use to create stitch constraints manually: ObiStitcher.
Doesn't matter if the particles belong to the same or different softbodies. At the end of the day, particles are particles.
A rigidbody is an entity of its own, with its own mass, inertia tensor, linear and angular velocities. Attaching two particles to a rigidbody will generally behave in a different way to attaching two particles directly to each other, specially if the rigidbody mass is comparable or larger than the mass of the particles: Glueing two tennis balls to each other isn't the same as glueing them to a truck (rigidbody).
Thanks! I think I will try Stitch Constraint first. Is it easy to create Stitch Constraint in script to be ran in runtime?