(28-10-2021, 08:32 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!
It's hard to tell what the cause might be just from the screenshots. Is the cloth (or any transform up its hierarchy) scaled?
On a side note, I see you've added the ObiSolver component way inside of the character's hierarchy. This is quite probably not what you want. Simulation happens in the solver's local space. If you place the solver at the character's neck, when the neck bone rotates or moves the cloth will rigidly rotate with it: for instance, if the character looks right, the entire cape will rotate instantly with his head like a piece of cardboard.
This is often not desirable. For characters, it's typical to place the solver at the character's root. This ensures that the cloth consistently follows the character around, but any motion in the character's body affects the cloth realistically.
I found error code:
The particle group 'Static' references a particle that does not exist in the actor 'ObiCloakSlonGay'.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Obi.ObiParticleAttachment:Bind () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Utils/ObiParticleAttachment.cs:243)
Obi.ObiParticleAttachment:Actor_OnBlueprintLoaded (Obi.ObiActor,Obi.ObiActorBlueprint) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Utils/ObiParticleAttachment.cs:204)
Obi.ObiActor:LoadBlueprint (Obi.ObiSolver) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Actors/ObiActor.cs:1132)
Obi.ObiClothBase:LoadBlueprint (Obi.ObiSolver) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Cloth/Actors/ObiClothBase.cs:181)
Obi.ObiSolver:AddActor (Obi.ObiActor) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Solver/ObiSolver.cs:1134)
Obi.ObiActor:AddToSolver () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Actors/ObiActor.cs:338)
Obi.ObiActor:SetSolver (Obi.ObiSolver) (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Actors/ObiActor.cs:372)
Obi.ObiActor:OnTransformParentChanged () (at Assets/Obi/Scripts/Common/Actors/ObiActor.cs:328)
UnityEngine.GUIUtilityrocessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
But this Particles Group - Static is exists!
About "This is often not desirable. For characters, it's typical to place the solver at the character's root. This ensures that the cloth consistently follows the character around, but any motion in the character's body affects the cloth realistically."
Neck attachment looks much better than root since root is in pivot (ground) base.
P.S. Could it be a problem that I have 2 Solvers for cloaks?