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OBI Assets do not work with Octane Render
Hi there,

Quote:Taking a look into the plugins, it appears that they do not use standard Unity geometry (the Obi rope specifically uses a unique type of particle to achieve it's end result).

Except for ObiFluid -which uses screen space ellipsoid splatting-, all Obi assets use standard Unity geometry for rendering. No "particle rendering" methods are used whatsoever, not for ropes, not for cloth, not for softbodies. For all I know, it should work with Octane out of the box since nothing weird or out of the ordinary is being done under the hood. It's all standard Unity stuff.

Quote:Do your plugins have a hook / method where we can extract the final geometry and spin up a custom mesh based on that instead of the particle render.

Simply grab the mesh directly from the MeshRenderer component. There's no other output being generated.

Quote:You do not seem to be using a particle renderer. The response from Octane support seems to be just a fob off cause they maybe can't be bothered producing a complete product for Unity.

Am I reading this right ? based on the following code you are merely modifying a standard mesh at runtime.

Correct. All Obi does is move the vertices of a standard mesh around.

Based on your finding that unless a mesh its saved as an asset it won't render, my guess is that Octane takes mesh assets and performs some sort of pre-process on them to be able to render them (local BVH or some other sort of acceleration structure?). If a mesh is altered at runtime in some way, these changes won't be picked up. Seems to be the case since they mention billboards and particles aren't supported by Octane. This is very limiting as it excludes any form of procedural geometry from working.

I'd ask them again if this assumption is correct and if so, maybe they can provide any alternative that allows for dynamic geometry to be rendered.

Messages In This Thread
RE: OBI Assets do not work with Octane Render - by josemendez - 09-08-2021, 10:07 AM