I'm following the RopeGrapplingHook example in order to achieve a similar example but with already created ropes. So my idea is that when I press a certain button a constraint is created between the rope and the player:
But when I press the button I get the following error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Obi.ObiPinConstraintsBatch.AddConstraint (System.Int32 index, Obi.ObiColliderBase body, UnityEngine.Vector3 offset, UnityEngine.Quaternion restDarboux) (at Assets/10-Vendors/Obi/Obi/Scripts/Common/Blueprints/Constraints/Batches/ObiPinConstraintsBatch.cs:82)
LianasTest.AddConstraint () (at Assets/10-Vendors/Obi/Obi/Scripts/RopeAndRod/Utils/Temporal/LianasTest.cs:26)
LianasTest.Update () (at Assets/10-Vendors/Obi/Obi/Scripts/RopeAndRod/Utils/Temporal/LianasTest.cs:17)
I assume that I'm doing something wrong, I have checked the batch var and it's not null so I'm not really sure what is the problem with AddConstraint.
PS: I made the following modification:
I read that blueprint acts as a prefab so in runtime cant be modified. Now I'm not getting any error but the constraint isn't happening anyway.
public ObiRopeBlueprint m_ActualBlueprint;
public ObiCollider m_Player;
public ObiRope m_Rope;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K))
void AddConstraint()
var pinConstraints = m_ActualBlueprint.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.Pin) as ObiConstraints<ObiPinConstraintsBatch>;
var batch = pinConstraints.batches[0];
batch.AddConstraint(0, m_Player, transform.localPosition, Quaternion.identity);
But when I press the button I get the following error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Obi.ObiPinConstraintsBatch.AddConstraint (System.Int32 index, Obi.ObiColliderBase body, UnityEngine.Vector3 offset, UnityEngine.Quaternion restDarboux) (at Assets/10-Vendors/Obi/Obi/Scripts/Common/Blueprints/Constraints/Batches/ObiPinConstraintsBatch.cs:82)
LianasTest.AddConstraint () (at Assets/10-Vendors/Obi/Obi/Scripts/RopeAndRod/Utils/Temporal/LianasTest.cs:26)
LianasTest.Update () (at Assets/10-Vendors/Obi/Obi/Scripts/RopeAndRod/Utils/Temporal/LianasTest.cs:17)
I assume that I'm doing something wrong, I have checked the batch var and it's not null so I'm not really sure what is the problem with AddConstraint.
PS: I made the following modification:
//var pinConstraints = m_ActualBluePrint.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.Pin) as ObiConstraints<ObiPinConstraintsBatch>
var pinConstraints = m_Rope.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.Pin) as ObiConstraints<ObiPinConstraintsBatch>
I read that blueprint acts as a prefab so in runtime cant be modified. Now I'm not getting any error but the constraint isn't happening anyway.