After some tests with angular velocity on a kinematic rigidbody, I think changing its angular velocity has no effect because the angular stays at 0 even when I try to modify it (I think for one frame it goes to the value and come back right after to 0).
Here with that code that changes the value once in Update loop:
if (angleVel != angleVelPrev)
angleVelPrev = angleVel;
transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity = angleVel;
and here if I change the value at each frame, the value of the angular stays at the value I want but doesn't seam to affect the fluid.
transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity = angleVel;
One sure thing is that the fluid doesn't react to any angular velocity I'm trying to input (even 0,0,1000) when rigidbody is Kinematic.
In the next video, I'm modifying the angular velocity of the rigidbody with Is kinematic unchecked. As you could see, the fluid looks a bit behind the container but at least there is no stutter bug.
In the last video, I'm modifying the rotation at fixedUpdate rate and the stutter problem is still there, maybe less present, hard to say.
So, I'm still struggling to deal with this problem. The ideal would be to control the orientation of the container with angular velocity but it's not an easy problem.