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Help Obi Fluid 7.0rc - fluids rendering as pink - Printable Version

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Obi Fluid 7.0rc - fluids rendering as pink - Amael - 06-06-2024

I'm using Unity 2022.3.32f1, a new empty 3D project (built-in render pipeline) and theĀ Obi Fluid 7.0rc Unity Package. Everything seems to be set up and working correctly (Burst compiler etc.) but all of the fluids in the sample scenes are pink:


I've had a look through the components & project resourcesĀ but can't see anything that's obviously wrong?


Does anyone have any idea as to what's causing this? Thanks.

RE: Obi Fluid 7.0rc - fluids rendering as pink - josemendez - 07-06-2024


Make sure you've installed ShaderGraph as per the setup guide. Otherwise most of the included shaders won't work, as they're created using ShaderGraph for ease of authoring.

If you've already installed ShaderGraph and this issue persists, could you check whether Obi/Resources/ObiMaterials/Fluid/Burst/BurstTransparent.shadergraph shows any errors in the inspector?

kind regards

RE: Obi Fluid 7.0rc - fluids rendering as pink - Amael - 09-06-2024

Oops, I somehow missed the ShaderGraph requirement in the setup guide, that's all working now - thanks & much appreciated!