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Help Using Obi Ropes to Make Static Cables - Printable Version

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Using Obi Ropes to Make Static Cables - mikecochang - 06-04-2023

Hi there, 

Is there a way to effectively make a bunch of cables from obi ropes? Sort of like this video.

I'm currently making cables from blender and importing it along with the environment, but if Obi Ropes can do similar, I would be able to make tweaks inside Unity instead.

- Cables are static.
- Cables doesn't need any interactions

Can I do the following somehow?
- Simulate ropes collision in editor before I bake as mesh so ropes rest according to the environment.
- Bake a bunch of ropes together after simulation.


RE: Using Obi Ropes to Make Static Cables - josemendez - 07-04-2023

(06-04-2023, 07:58 PM)mikecochang Wrote: Hi there, 

Is there a way to effectively make a bunch of cables from obi ropes? Sort of like this video.

I'm currently making cables from blender and importing it along with the environment, but if Obi Ropes can do similar, I would be able to make tweaks inside Unity instead.

- Cables are static.
- Cables doesn't need any interactions


The tool in the video simply generates a mesh based on spline curves and catenaries. Being a physics engine, Obi assumes cables are dynamic and interact, so they're designed with completely different goals in mind.

(06-04-2023, 07:58 PM)mikecochang Wrote: - Simulate ropes collision in editor before I bake as mesh so ropes rest according to the environment.
- Bake a bunch of ropes together after simulation.

You can't simulate in-editor, but you can simulate in play mode and then bake the rope mesh by clicking the "BakeMesh" button in the ObiRopeExtrudedRenderer component.

Note this will generate a separate mesh for each rope, but a straightforward way to bake multiple ropes is to use Mesh.CombineMeshes to fuse multiple meshes into a single one.

kind regards,

RE: Using Obi Ropes to Make Static Cables - mikecochang - 07-04-2023

(07-04-2023, 09:31 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!

The tool in the video simply generates a mesh based on spline curves and catenaries. Being a physics engine, Obi assumes cables are dynamic and interact, so they're designed with completely different goals in mind.

You can't simulate in-editor, but you can simulate in play mode and then bake the rope mesh by clicking the "BakeMesh" button in the ObiRopeExtrudedRenderer component.

Note this will generate a separate mesh for each rope, but a straightforward way to bake multiple ropes is to use Mesh.CombineMeshes to fuse multiple meshes into a single one.

kind regards,
Thanks! I'll have to try that method.