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Linux Support? - Printable Version

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Linux Support? - interwound - 24-10-2017

Wondering if there's any hope to get this running on linux? I know it's not officially supported, how difficult a task would it be to get it running?

Current error:
DllNotFoundException: libOni
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Oni:ClearDiffuseParticles (intptr)
  at Obi.ObiSolver.SimulateStep (System.Single stepTime) [0x00000] in <5b2c721b9bd3464196c12adb5cc12229>:0
  at Obi.ObiSolver.FixedUpdate () [0x00026] in <5b2c721b9bd3464196c12adb5cc12229>:0