

The manual contains a troubleshooting section, where common issues/pitfalls for all Obi assets are listed together with their solution. A quick look might be all you need to get yourself up and running, but don't hesitate to contact us (see below) if you need further assistance!

Community Forum

We have an official support forum. Share your questions with the community, and get answers directly from us. If you're unsure whether Obi will fit your needs, this is also a good place to ask before purchasing:

Visit Forum

Private Contact

If you have a question that can be publicly shared, we recommend you use the forums (see above) so that we can grow as a community, help each other, and learn together.

If your question needs privacy for any reason (refund request, restricted project, collaboration proposal, etc), please write to:
obi (at)

If your question is NOT related to Obi, please contact us through our official studio website, or write to:
hello (at)